Forum Rules

General Forums Rules:

1.)  Spamming is not allowed.
2.)  Harassment of any kind is not allowed.
3.)  Excessive cussing and inappropriate language is not allowed.
4.)  Pornographic imaging or anything of the sort is not allowed
5.)  No discussions of software piracy, hacking, or anything of this nature.
6.)  No flaming or bullying.
7.)  Do not post lewd or offensive content, or links to lewd or offensive content. Please remember that minors visit the website.
8.)  Abuse in any form directed at our staff or members will not be tolerated.
9.)  Advertising other communities is strictly not allowed. If you are unsure if you are allowed to link something,
     please send a message to one of the forum staff.
10.)  Private messaging is to be kept private unless agreed upon by the sender and receiver. (Mass Messages are obviously exempt)
11.)  Creating a new account to avoid a ban is NOT allowed.
12.)  Any sort of key loggers/virus’s/trojan links are strictly not allowed.
13.)  Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting. Users
        consistently posting to the wrong forum may be given a warning.
14.)  Your name can not be offensive, hateful, or mean towards race, religion, sex, or in any other offensive nature.
15.)  You may only use the English language

Posting Rules:

1.) Do not post any personal information about you or anyone else.
2.) Do not make a post asking to be staff, this will just make you look like you should not be staff
3.) Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature
4.) Do not create threads just to create a “Troll”
5.) Spam posting will not be tolerated.
6.) Do not make the title of your post in all caps, Staff will assume that its a troll post.
7.) Members shall not post any information about self-harm, suicide, or threats against any community members including themselves.
Doing so will result in a permanent ban.
8.) Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting. Users consistently
posting to the wrong forum may be given a warning.

Chatbox Rules:

1.) Do not post links other than ones with the url as or (SS+ May void this rule under
certain circumstances)
2.) Do not use vulgar language
3.) Do not be disrespectful
4.) Do not flame others
5.) Spam will not be tollerated